We’re excited you can join us!
Early Bird and Full Conference Registration includes:
Access to all sessions
A ticket to the welcome function on the 26th of August
All morning and afternoon teas and lunches during the program
Access to the Field Trip on the 28th of August
A ticket to the symposium dinner on the 28th of August
Full Conference Registration (after the 31st of May) $400
Can’t make the symposium, or would like to bring a partner? Join us for the Symposium Dinner on the 28th of August (please note registration includes the Symposium Dinner).
Dinner Ticket only $70
Please note accommodation is not included in registration. Click here for more information on accommodation bookings and discount rates being offered by the Aurora Ozone Hotel.
If the registration fee is a barrier to your attendance, please contact sarahkemp@smartfuture.com.au for more information about scholarship opportunities.
Image: Christmas Island, Chris Bray